Puppy Training

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Simple Tricks for Your New Puppy


Welcoming a new puppy into the family is an exciting time. However, now that the puppy is home, what is next? In order for a happy, energetic puppy to grow and develop into a happy dog, there is a need for training. Besides teaching a puppy to use the outhouse, what else is there? Potty training is high on the priority list, but there are other matters that need attention.


We always hear how important is to make sure our children socialize. Puppies need to socialize too. As the pet parent, spend time introducing the new to the big world. Take him to pet-friendly stores, restaurants, or even the dog park. Slowly introduce him to people and other dogs. Get him acquainted to a variety of sounds and smells.

The need to chew

Puppies need to chew, and that need does not stop. It is important that the dog understands what can be chewed. Once it is established what is acceptable to chew and what isn't, the more trustworthy the puppy becomes. Still, make sure expensive shoes and remote controls are out of reach.

Come, boy

Teaching the puppy to come when called is an important safety measure. A dog that learns to come when called will enjoy freedom and safety. However, never call the pup with the intend to scold him. This will negate their training and could put them in danger. If he is afraid, he may run when being called. This could cause him to run into the street or away from the home. Instead, when calling the pup keep it positive. Make sure to offer some sort of reward once he reaches you. Learn more about puppy training come visit our site.